The #MigrainePose “Trend”


How can this even be a trend!!!!???? Headache Pose? Migraine Pose? What is this supposed to mean? Migraine is not a pose but a neurological disorder involving nerve pathways and brain chemicals, which leaves completely disabled anyone who suffers an attack for an uncertain period of time.

It´s very sad and outrageous that such an important magazine like publishes an article which undermines the real importance of such a severe condition. We were shocked when we saw this and thought how relevant it was to share it, this publication does no other thing rather than increasing the stigma of migraine.

The images posted by all these celebrities DO NOT represent what a migraine attack really looks like, not even close actually.

EMHA president Mr. Patrick Little sent a letter to ELLE magazine in which he explained how dismayed and disappointed we were to see migraine trivialised in this way. In the letter President Little explained the great stigma that exists with migraine because of misperception. Here you can find an extract of the letter:

“We would like your readers to hear stories of successful, driven women whose careers have been truncated by this disease, and of mothers who have missed cherished moments with their children because they were locked in a darkened room. These are not stories of people using migraine as a sick day excuse from work, or people feigning illness to avoid intimacy with their partner, but rather real and tragic stories of people whose lives are interrupted by what most people think is simply a bad headache”.

We have searched through social media and so many migraineurs have manifested against this nonsense “trend”. You can see some of the posts we found below, these images DO represent what a #MigrainePose looks like.

Post by: @Beth_Morton

Post by: @migrainesallday

Post by: @_Alpha_Delta

Post by: @dreasue

Post by: @achysmileblog


Post by: @smithbrainz

Post by: @TheFrznMind

Post by: @HeatherCalkins

Post by: @MigraineTrust


Post by: @Migrainedotcom

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