First International Congress

This month of September is being extremely busy and we are traveling to support, defend and activate the Patients everywhere !!. EMHA Executive Director Mrs. Elena Ruiz de la Torre travels to Mexico in order to assist the first international congress done in Puebla (Mexico) organized by Mexican Cluster and Migraine Association (AMCEMIG).

Her speech will be focused on her personal experience as a migraineur and how it affects her daily life activities.

Find below some images of Mrs. Elena Ruiz de la Torre speaking to Mexican Patients and Neurologists.


THE MEXICAN ASSOCIATION OF HEADACHE AND MIGRAINE, CIVIL ASSOCIATION (AMCEMIG), was constituted in Mexico City, on December 14, two thousand seventeen in the Notary Public number one hundred and fifty one of this city, being an Association that will not pursue lucrative purposes and has as its objective the grouping of Neurologists doctors, as well as other health professionals of the country and other countries, interested in the development of Headaches.

To provide the neurological community and health professionals with cutting-edge scientific information, necessary for their updating; carrying out diverse activities through congresses that disseminate knowledge for a better care of our patients.

To provide as an Association the educational, academic and research needs of the neurologists of the country and health professionals.

To train the population through forums, congresses, courses, publications and conferences on headache and migraine problems.

To achieve recognition as a leading Association, leader in the development of high quality academic activities in the area of Headaches and Migraine.

To achieve a balance, to be a solid institution from the scientific, academic and efficient point of view that will allow us to grow and consolidate.