Policy makers: EP Migraine Alliance for Protecting the rights of people with migraine

The EP Migraine Alliance is n Alliance of Members of the European Parliament advocating to make migraine a European priority and improve the lives of people living with migraine across the European Union.

Despite its prevalence and serious human, social and economic impact at European level, migraine is still widely overlooked by healthcare systems and policy makers.

41 million adult Europeans experience migraine in Europe (prevalence : 14%). Migraine often begins at puberty and mostly affects people aged between 35 and 45 years. It is also common in children: about 10% of school-age children and up to 28% of adolescents between 15-19 years. Half of all people affected by migraine have their first attack before the age of 12.

The European Parliament (EP) Migraine Alliance.

The Alliance will rally all Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who agree to help steer policies and initiatives that will improve the quality oflife of EU citizens, contribute to the sustainability of healthcare services and promote the inclusion of people with migraine at all levels (education, work, family life…). 
Joining forces with the European Migraine and Headache Alliance and its 33 members at national level, the MEPs will help tackle these challenges by raising awareness and fostering cross-border EU collaboration. 

EMHA calls upon all national and EU policy makers to fully embrace the migraine challenge and build a supportive environment that will improve the quality of life of EU citizens.

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