Migraine Atlas by AEMICE

AEMICE together with Universidad de Sevilla (Seville University) and Novartis and a scientific committee of expert neurologists has created the Migraine Atlas by AEMICE 2018 which reflects the real situation of the 4.5 million people who suffer from migraine in Spain!
Unlike other studies “Migraine Atlas” includes the patients and also their families perspective about their condition, the healthcare system, effectivity of treatments, psicological aspects, limitations within their social lives, at the workplace, at home, self-medication and or fears and hopes, all these collected through questionnaire done to more than 2.500 people with migraine. Moreover, the inform shows an analysis of the scientific lecture and other sources of information to do an approach to the reality of these patients. 
As AEMICE president, Mrs. Isabel Colomina says, the relevance of this Migraine Atlas by AEMICE study appears to be that “for the first time it´s done from the patients perspective. It´s a study which evidences the real circumstances that people living with migraine have to deal with. It should be useful to raise awareness and visibility and the importance this disease deserves to have, also to have proper diagnose and treatment”. 
Congratulations on your work!
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