Portuguese EU Presidency EMHA’s contribution to the EU social summit 2021

EU social summit 2021: The Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union is holding a High-Level Conference and an Informal Meeting.  of Leaders at the invitation of the President of the European Council. The Summit will give political impetus to the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and its Action Plan, underlining its central role in the European recovery and the adaptation to the climate, digital and demographic transitions. 

The EU Social Summit of 7 May 2021 that will set the European social agenda for the next decade is of high importance to the migraine community.
The many challenges people with migraine have to overcome daily at school or on the workplace due to the disease are still widely overlooked. This compromises their participation in society.

The participants at the EU Social Summit are invited to respond to the specific needs of people with neurological diseases like migraine in their discussions and plans to deliver on the European Pillar of Social Rights. People with neurological diseases must not be left behind.

Migraine is not just a bad headache. It is a common and invisible life-span neurological disease that affects 41 million European people. It often begins at puberty and mostly affects people aged between 35 and 45 years, during their most productive years. It is three times more common in women. Migraine is a disabling disease characterised by a number of attacks that can generate temporary incapacity during the attacks. The disease presents a huge clinical and economic burden for both individuals and society. It costs the European economies as much as € 50 billion a year. The indirect costs associated with reduced productivity represent a substantial proportion of the migraine costs.

Read EMHA’s contribution to the Summit 

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