EMHA Officers board meeting

Board Meeting

Elena Ruiz de la Torre, President
Paolo Rossi – Vice President
Patrick Little – Treasurer
Willem Sleddering – Secretary
Annalisa Lentini – Board Member
Audrey Craven – Past President
Alison Turner (EMHA Staff)
Olivia Serratosa (EMHA Staff)


10.00 Welcome and apologies.

10.05 Review of previous minutes. Signature of approval.

10.10 New Secretary on the Board. Position of Willem Sleddering

10.15 Governance items Patrick Little.

10.30 EMHA Strategic Plan and Operational Plan 2017. President’s report: Elena Ruiz de la Torre

Inputs to the EMHA Strategic Plan
Actions to be done during the second semestre of 2017

12.00 Cluster Headache Special Interest Group. Coordinator’s report: Paolo Rossi

12.20 Finances.
Treasurer’s report: Patrick Little

12.40 Possible changes in the Constitution. (Votes, By Laws…) 12.50 Date for the next G.A 2018
13.00 AOB

13.30 Close of the board meeting
14.00 Bank appointment. PL+WS+ERT 15.30 TBC Advisor appointment. PL+ERT+AT