New e-learning series on Personalized Healthcare: Women’s Brain Project

As part of EFNA’s Training Initiatives for Neurology Advocates [TINA] programme, a new series of e-learning modules is launched today, on the theme of personalised healthcare.

Personalised medicine is a medical model that aims to provide tailor-made prevention and treatment strategies for defined groups of individuals. This usually involves genomics, information technology and patient empowerment. However, at EFNA, we feel it’s important to go beyond medicine only and look towards personalised health and social care – tailoring medical management and patient care to the needs of the individual. Participants will learn more about the challenges and opportunities posed by personalised healthcare, and what role patient representatives can play in making this approach a reality.

Across 5 modules, our expert presenters will explain this concept, discuss the role of patient empowerment, the future of research, the regulatory and reimbursement models of tomorrow, and the ethical implications of treatment based on genomics and supported by information technology.
Women's Brain Project

Three of the modules in this series have been developed with the support of the Women’s Brain Project [WBP].

Our first module, Introduction to Personalised Healthcare in Neurology, is presented by Maria Teresa Ferretti, Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer at WBP. The module is designed as a general and engaging introduction to the topic of precision medicine (PM) and its relevance for neurological patients. Participants will learn:What precision medicine is with easy, case-studies examples from different disciplines.Why we need precision medicine in neurologyWhat precision medicine means from a patient point of view (in the context of a patient-centric approach).

Four further modules will be published during July, with a new module going live each week. These modules will cover:
Patient Engagement: An essential element of Personalised Healthcare
Data, Technology and Ethics in Personalised Healthcare
Innovative Research Approaches for Personalised Healthcare
Regulation and Reimbursement of Personalised Healthcare interventions

EFNA’s e-learning modules are free to access, though registration is required. Participants will be able to access personalised certificates of completion following each module.

Learn more and register at:

Presenter Maria Teresa Ferretti, introduces our latest module: Introduction to Personalised Healthcare in Neurology – Focus on Precision Medicine
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