Find out how you can become part of The Migraine Movement and achieve a better future for all the patients living with migraine. For Patients Improving the quality of life of patients by promoting understanding and visibility of their disease. What EMHA can do for patients The Migraine Movement Projects EMHA News For Patients Associations Working together to give voice to all migraine and other headache patients. What EMHA can do for patients associations TMM Toolkit Projects EMHA Together Talks Annual report Our Members Become a member EMHA News Agenda For Industry Cooperating in finding solutions for patients. What EMHA can do for industry Projects Supporters Collaborators Annual report EMHA News Agenda For Policy Makers Making migraine a European health, social and research priority. European Parliament Migraine Alliance Policy Makers Projects Support EMHA Projects EMHA News Agenda For Medical Community Studying, researching and treating migraine and other headaches. What EMHA can do for medical community Projects Supporters EMHA News For Workplaces Working towards more inclusive migraine friendly workplaces. The Migraine Friendly Workplace Project