16 Mar

Project Migraine 2022: Motore SANITA

Migraine is a recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomit or disturbed vision. The patient usually prefers to lie down, in the dark, away from noise.

The length of this condition may go from some hours to 3 days. Around 11% of the Italian population is affected by these symptoms with relapses relevant to life’s quality and work activity. In fact, its socio-economic impact is very high, with an expense in Italy that amounts to approx. €3.5 billion/year, where 15% of people have over 4 episodes/month, 4.2% over 8 episodes/month, 5% loses more than 5 working days/month.

To take stock of the current access to care pathways for migraine patients, the EMHA Association (European Migraine and Headache Alliance), which represents over 30 patients’ organizations in Europe, created a survey which results can generate multiple new ideas on what is missing and what would be useful to make the welfare system more efficient.

The many National and Regional realities have different answers and they will be the basis to build a better future for the treatment of these patients, layering the right offer for the right patient.


3-6 Dec

10-13 Sep

12 Sep

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