Stigma survey

Migraine & Stigma Survey 2023 In 2023, the EMHA conducted a comprehensive pan-European digital survey answered by 4.210 people across 17 countries. In order to examinate the origins of stigma surrounding migraine, its impact on patients, and their need for better understanding and support. The survey covers various topics such as patients’ ease in sharing

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Migraine and mental health in women

Migraine and mental health in women: Addressing the challenge On September 21st, the EMHA presented with Gamian Europe the results on their study Migraine and mental health in women: Addressing the challenge. This report seeks to highlight the comorbidity between women affected by severe migraine attacks and mental health conditions. Over 15% of the European

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Topiramate exposure in pregnancy: PRAC recommends new measures

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is recommending new measures to prevent children’s exposure to topiramate-containing medicines during pregnancy due to an increased risk of neurodevelopmental problems. Topiramate, used for epilepsy and migraine treatment, has known birth defect risks when used during pregnancy. The recommendations include: The product information for topiramate-containing medicines will be updated to

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Intranasal ketamine for chronic migraine

Real-world study of intranasal ketamine for use in patients with refractory chronic migraine: Research Subanesthetic ketamine infusion has been used for managing refractory headache in inpatient or outpatient infusion settings. Intranasal ketamine may be an alternative option for outpatient care. Methods A retrospective study was conducted at a single tertiary headache center to assess the clinical

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EMHA and Prof. Peter Goadsby at BBVA.

At EMHA, we believe that the health and wellbeing of employees is paramount to their success in the workplace. That’s why we were proud to co-host a conference with BBVA that centered on health and emotional management. Our esteemed guest, Professor Peter Goadsby from King’s College London, provided valuable insights on migraines and how to

EMHA and Prof. Peter Goadsby at BBVA. Read More »

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