We are an alliance

The European Migraine and Headache Alliance is a non-profit patient association, which functions as an umbrella organisation for different patient groups across Europe. The Alliance was establi- shed in 2005 and since then we represent more than 30 patient groups across the continent. Also, we work closely with International Associates in Canada, US, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Philippi- nes and Chile.
EMHA is an active member of the European Federation of Neurological Alliances [EFNA], the European Brain Council [EBC], the International Association of Patients’ Organisations [IAPO], the European Patients’ Forum [EPF] and also collaborates with different organisations such as the European Headache Federation [EHF], the International Headache Society (IHS), Migraine Trust International Summit (MTIS)
Our Goal: Fighting migraine.
Although migraine is one of the most common diseases, it is, at the same time, one of the most unknown and ignored, both by the healthcare system, politicians, companies and society in general.
At EMHA, we try to raise awareness in all these areas with the goal of normalising the disease and eradicating the stigma that patients have to endure. This is why the Migraine Friendly Workplace project focuses all efforts on improving the lives of millions of European workers who, even nowadays, have to work in an environment that does not understand them and, therefore, does not help them.
Organization chart

Elena Ruiz de la Torre
Executive Director, Company Secretary and Immediate Past President
2016–Present: Executive Director, Company Secretary and Immediate Past President.
Dr. Paolo Rossi

Dr. Paolo Rossi, was Chief of the Headache Clinic at INI Grottaferrata in Rome and Head of Clinical Neurology at the Nursing School at Tor Vergata University and member of EMHA’s Board.
Paolo was in particular renowned for his international work in Cluster Headache and for passionately and tirelessly working for a better understanding of the condition and for improved treatment to people who suffer.
But mostly Paolo will be remembered by all our members across Europe as a patients champion. His warmth and humanity were felt by everyone who knew him. His untimely death has left us shocked and bereft. We send our deepest sympathy to his wife and two daughters whom he adored.
Patrick Little
President European Migraine and
Headache Alliance.
Strategic plan
With the aim to serve to its mission, EMHA has developed a strategic plan focused in giving the tools and resources to all members of the organization in order to be stronger and more effective as we all row in the same direction.
In order to provide focus and direction to move from plan to action, we design specific projects in improving the lives of patients working actively with EMHA’s members, medical societies and gubernamental institutions to encourage an holistic approach to the understanding of headache disorders, knowing that patients will benefit from our efforts.
As a non-profit association, we encounter with the altruistic collaboration of our sponsors, the pharmaceutic industry. Thanks to them we can face own research and projects such as: Access to Care survey, Migraine at Work, Cluster Headache and Work Life in the European Union survey, among others.
“Migraine is the third most common disease in the world, with an estimated global prevalence of 14.7% (that’s around 1 in 7 people)”. This means that we all should know many more people who suffer migraine, but the truths is we don’t as they don’t mention it.
In order to give voice and visibility to the affected ones, EMHA is trying to show up how extraordinary those sufferers are that try to live a normal life while they have to cope with their Migraine attacks without any help, support or recognition from the Society, becoming the voice of these extraordinary people in Europe.
Therefore EMHA is committed in:
To be the representative of all European Migraine and Headache associations, to help them to spread the voice of headache disorders, to be understood and recognized in all health systems, helping patients to be well informed and have equal access to appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Being aware of our accountability in representing our members, to our sponsors and to the society in general, EMHA is committed to be transparent and respectful in all its actions.
Working with the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.








We are grateful to have the support
of all of them.

EMHA Activities Report 2023
EMHA’s agenda of 2023 was filled with trips, meetings and events that put migraine on the agenda of European’s and worldwide organizations and policy makers.